Such are our traditions: the groom tied his beloved to a pole (2 photos + 1 video)

Yesterday, 23:15

The groom and his friends tied his beloved to a telephone pole with tape. The young woman screamed for help and tried to escape, but no one intervened because it was a "wedding tradition." The viral footage was filmed in Shanxi Province, in northern China.

A friend of the groom, whose name is Yan, said that the couple had agreed on the "game" in advance, so there was nothing criminal about it.

In China, such customs

"Making a small scene at a wedding is our local custom among good friends. No one was hurt because of it," he said, urging people to understand the situation correctly.

Yang added that the groom was present during the tying up and "concerned" about the bride's safety. However, the gruesome footage of the kidnapping and tying up has sparked concern and condemnation on social media.

"Rejoicing when someone suffers is really disgusting," wrote a user on the Chinese platform Douyin.

Another added: "If something happens to the bride, who will take responsibility?"

"These vulgar wedding customs are relics of a bygone era. There is no excuse for hurting others," said another participant in the discussion.

On Tuesday, September 24, a public statement was released in which the groom and his friends apologized for their actions. Meanwhile, local authorities called on citizens to abandon outdated practices.

By the way, it is believed that such games at traditional Chinese weddings should help the bride calm her nerves and "create a festive atmosphere." In addition, locals believe that laughter can drive away evil spirits.

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