He spent 11 years repairing his car: a British woman sued a fraudulent mechanic for $151,000 (4 photos)

Category: Car news, PEGI 0+
Yesterday, 23:15

The mechanic has failed to repair the collectible Porsche 911 for 11 years. He refused to give the car to its owner and even began to threaten her.

A mechanic from the British city of Beckenham, Jagjivan Jhalli, must pay 114,000 pounds sterling ($151,000) in compensation to his client for unfinished repairs to the car that lasted 11 years. This decision was made by the District Court of Central London.

The plaintiff was Dr. Penelope Horlick, a professor of archaeology at Oxford University. In 2008, she bought a 1997 Porsche 911 Targa.

The British woman drove the sports car for two years until she hit a deep pothole in the road. The Porsche 911 had a damaged engine sump and oil began to leak.

Penelope Horlick went to Jagjivan Jhalli's service station and he estimated the repair at £9,000 ($12,000). However, he was in no hurry to fix the problem.

The mechanic took the car apart, but didn't repair it, and kept making excuses. The repair of the Porsche 911 dragged on for months, and then for years. Later, Jagjivan Jhalli went to prison, and the car remained at the service station.

In 2016, Penelope Horlick found another mechanic, but Jagjivan Jhalli refused to give her the car and began threatening her. Only in 2022, when the professor filed a lawsuit, did he return the car, but without the engine and gearbox.

In court, the mechanic claimed that the statute of limitations had expired and filed a counterclaim demanding compensation for the costs of spare parts and storage of the car. However, the court did not satisfy him and sided with the owner of the Porsche.

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