How an entire 500-ton bridge was stolen in India (4 photos)

Today, 12:31

A wonderful Indian story, how in India, a 12-meter bridge was stolen from under everyone's nose to be turned in for scrap metal!

The remains of the bridge, A clean job, almost to the root!

This happened in the city of Amiyawar (about 100 kilometers from Bihar). The bridge was considered abandoned, so the robbers were able to quietly remove and carry off the bridge.

The attackers disguised themselves as employees of the state irrigation department, and under this cover, calmly dismantled the bridge using gas cutters and heavy equipment, which they used to take away its parts.

In India, they are very proud of their uniform, both the police and the department - it is a sign of social status, it is especially important there

This is a 500-ton structure, 4 meters high and 18 meters long, it took more than a minute to dismantle it. Moreover, it is cast iron and very heavy. It took three whole days to completely dismantle it!

But no one cared - the thieves calmly sawed up the bridge, the police didn't bother, everyone came to their senses only long after the crime.

The residents reported to the police that the bridge no longer existed when they came to their senses. The bridge hadn't really been used for a long time after a parallel concrete bridge was built 15 years ago.

Here from the dug up bridge to the backup concrete bridge

Nobody is to blame

Although the thieves were dressed in the uniform of the irrigation department, the police claim that no one from the administration is connected with the theft. At scrap metal points, about 245 centners of stolen materials were seized, which, of course, is far from all. Part of the bridge "floated away" somewhere.

But they were able to find a pickup truck for transportation and dismantling, a total of seven people were arrested. Guess who stole the bridge?

There was very little metal left, apparently it was completely rotten and they didn’t accept it at the reception center

According to the Indian police report:

Arvind Kumar (temporary employee of the department), Chandan Kumar (resident of the nearby village of Amiyavar), Shivkalyan Bhardwaj (local politician), scrap metal dealer Manish Kumar.

That is, a local resident and a local politician, how logical it all is that it’s even boring. What amused me most was that they were sawing the bridge for three days, and no one cared. There is a special Indian spirit in this! Well, the fact that a local politician is involved in this is already a classic.

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