Dai: The Ever-Hungry Dog Waits for Treats

Yesterday, 02:20

The dog thinks that skipping his owner's meal is a crime. As soon as the girl decides to have a snack, the pet is right there.

The dog's owner decided to have a snack on the couch. It would seem that there is nothing interesting about it. But it is not that simple. From the very first frames, it becomes clear that someone lives in her house who thinks that skipping the owner's meal is the crime of the century.

The pet, whose curious eyes and nose barely peek out from under the couch, turns every meal of the girl into a real reality show. Whether it is a sandwich, pizza or salad - the furry observer is always on guard. It seems that just a little more and he will start broadcasting live on the dog social network. The puppy's owner masterfully put together a collage of these moments, creating a real ode to dog devotion and insatiable appetite.

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