A mouse got on a plane and disrupted the flight (2 photos + 1 video)

Category: Aviation, PEGI 0+
23 September 2024

+1 phobia for the piggy bank. It's not that I'm afraid of mice, but you must admit, it's not very pleasant.

Passengers on a Scandinavian Airlines flight from Norway to Spain will remember this flight for the rest of their lives.

And the nightmare began 50 minutes after takeoff.

During the food distribution, a mouse jumped out of a food box onto one of the passengers. The rodent didn't like the fact that a person so unceremoniously interrupted his meal.

The woman was not very happy about the mouse, just like all the other passengers. According to eyewitnesses, there was no panic on board, although many tucked their pants into their socks so that the rodent would not decide to seek shelter there.

The pilots decided not to take any risks and urgently landed the plane in Copenhagen. The participants of the tailed flight were able to transfer to another plane only after 2.5 hours.

Airline spokesman Øystein Schmidt said the rerouting was in line with company procedures because the furry stowaway posed a safety risk, and noted that such incidents are extremely rare.

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