A luxury yacht worth a million dollars sank in Los Angeles due to a fireworks explosion (3 photos + 1 video)

23 September 2024

The ship was anchored in a bay off the coast of Marina del Rey when fireworks suddenly began to detonate.

About 1,000 fireworks were prepared for the upcoming holiday, and the reason for them to explode is unknown. However, due to the detonation, a fire broke out on board the yacht "Admiral", and within a couple of hours the ship managed to sink.

By the time the fire was localized, the ship was almost completely submerged.

At the time of the incident, there were two people on the yacht, and one of them was injured. Now experts are investigating the cause of the premature fireworks. The version of the machinations of ill-wishers cannot be ruled out.

The vessel was reportedly running on propane, which made it difficult to put out the fire. It is also known that the yacht belonged to a Norwegian millionaire whose name has not been disclosed.

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