Ukrainian paratroopers defeated a unit of Russian airborne forces in the Kursk region

16 September 2024
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Russian troops are resorting to desperate attempts to push out the units and military units of the Ukrainian Defense Forces from the Kursk region.

So, yesterday, the enemy threw 14 units of military equipment at the positions of Ukrainian paratroopers, including two tanks, eleven BMDs and one armored personnel carrier from one of the military units of the Russian Airborne Forces, Censor.NET reports.

"However, this attempt to break through the defensive positions of the Ukrainian Armed Forces turned out to be a failure: in a heavy battle that lasted several hours, the Ukrainian paratroopers proved that they understand military affairs better, having mastered the science of winning with flying colors," the soldiers added.

As a result, five BMDs, a tank and an armored personnel carrier of the enemy, as well as several dozen 200-th Russians remained on the battlefield.

"The remaining surviving Russian "vedoveshniks" fled," the Airborne Forces reported.

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