The Chinese began to marry dogs instead of children (5 photos + 1 video)

Category: Animals, PEGI 0+
Yesterday, 17:36

Previously, this was a trend among Koreans, they not only married their dogs, but could even be offended if a colleague did not come and leave that envelope with money as a gift (in especially neglected cases).

It is curious that of all the countries, China was the one to pick up this strange trend. Because they want to marry, but there is no one!

If you had absolutely nothing to do, would you marry your dog?

Pet weddings are gaining popularity in China, because the government policy of encouraging people to marry does not produce much results. They are already fighting for bride ransoms, and even young couples are given money for their weddings (albeit not much). But all this cannot overcome the gender imbalance and economic difficulties, in which the Chinese are in no hurry to get married and have children.

The population is aging, many adult women have not become grandmothers. No weddings, no grandchildren, and South Korea has thrown up an idea of ​​what surrogate to replace them with. At first they replaced them by getting dogs. Ten years ago, China was simply overwhelmed by the boom of pets. They even tried selling them in vending machines, meaning cats were put in special machines, I wrote about this new thing.

One guest's dog was dressed as a clown, who wants to look like a clown at a wedding???

But now just having a pet does not satisfy the aspirations of the Chinese. Pet spending in 2023 increased by 3.2% to 279.3 billion yuan compared to the previous year.

And this increase is felt precisely because of the surge in dog weddings, where everything is cultural - dog guests eat their pate cake, everyone buys wedding outfits-bedclothes and a bunch of other little things that are sold in stores in China.

A professional photographer for dog weddings charges the same rate as for real ones. And the cake costs from 800 yuan and is prepared, like a wedding cake for people, to order.

Many bakeries have already included this option in their list of client services.

If you distribute it evenly across the urban population of China, then about every eighth Chinese has a cat or dog.

Most owners are now under 40. That's why young people use dogs as a substitute for their own wedding.

South Korea is still booming with pompous dog funerals. I hope it doesn't catch on anywhere else

Even if you have a girlfriend, you still need a house, money for her parents, and hundreds of expense items. The Chinese are too afraid to not provide at least one of these items, while with dogs it all looks much simpler, and you can make it a real holiday.

Yes, some people marry dogs for fun, but when they take it too seriously, like the Koreans, it already looks like a side effect of a larger social problem.

How can we do without a wedding master of ceremonies (paid)

What do you think, is this a fashion trend and nothing more, or is it really a sign of hidden social problems that China has not been able to solve yet?

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