American schoolchildren gave a jeep to a guard (2 photos + 1 video)

Category: Car news, PEGI 0+
Yesterday, 17:37

Last fall, the security guard admitted that he wanted to get a Jeep Wrangler for his birthday. He didn't even suspect that the students had taken note.

Students at a high school in Virginia, USA, gave their favorite security guard a car for his birthday, People reports. In a year, they raised $20,000 on an American crowdfunding platform.

It is noted that in September last year, before his birthday, the security guard named Francis Apraku talked to the students. They asked him what he wanted for a present, and he told them about a Jeep Wrangler, not suspecting that the teenagers would remember his words.

The students then posted a fundraiser and were able to raise $5,000 on the first day.

“Since we met Francis, he has been very kind and friendly, and sometimes even prayed for us. He said that he always wanted to buy a Jeep Wrangler, but he could never afford it, so we organized a campaign to raise enough money to buy Francis a Jeep Wrangler,” one of the students said.

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