Indian official drowned in river. Divers refused to save him until they were paid for it (4 photos)

Yesterday, 16:59

The divers asked the official's friends for Rs 10,000 and dived into the water only after an online money transfer.

45-year-old Aditya Vardhan Singh, deputy director of health in Uttar Pradesh, was relaxing by the river with his friends on the afternoon of July 31. To get a good shot, he and his friends went by boat beyond the recommended swimming area.

But during the shooting, the man slipped and fell into the water. "He knew how to swim, but he was carried away by a strong current," experts say. Not only rescuers, but also police and private divers joined the search. As of September 2, the man was still missing.

Aditya's friends said that when the official first fell into the river, the divers refused to start rescuing him until they paid 10 thousand rupees for it.

"When we informed them that we did not have cash, they demanded online payment. By the time the money reached them and they entered the water, Aditya had already been swept away by the current," the official's friends said.

Authorities said the divers were allegedly asking for money to pay for fuel for the boat. "If there is any truth in the allegations, we will take legal action against the divers," the police said.

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