What the sons of famous actors look like today (16 photos)
It seems like only recently we were following with admiration the adventures of characters played by young Timothy Dalton, Pierce Brosnan and Daniel Day-Lewis, and now they have grown-up sons. And what handsome men! We decided to find out what the children of the main seducers of past decades look like.
Brendan Fraser and Leland Francis Fraser
Jude Law and Rafferty Law
Daniel Day-Lewis and Gabriel-Kane Day-Lewis
Jeremy Irons and Max Irons
Alain Delon and Alain-Fabien Delon
David Beckham and Brooklyn Beckham
Will Smith and Trey Smith
Pierce Brosnan and Paris Brosnan
Arnold Schwarzenegger and Patrick Schwarzenegger
Bill Pullman and Lewis Pullman
Tommy Lee and Brandon Thomas Lee
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Nicolas Cage and Weston Coppola Cage
John Bongiovi and Jake Bongiovi
Tom Hanks and Colin Hanks
Jack Nicholson and Ray Nicholson
Timothy Dalton and Alexander Dalton