I'm not afraid of anything: a man declared himself immortal and "reflected" three bullets (2 photos + 1 video)

Today, 03:44

A man named Tak told police officers that he shot his friend, who he had been feuding with for seven years, three times in the back.

A 40-year-old man named Somchai from Buriram Province in Thailand has declared himself immortal and claimed to have "deflected" three shots from a gun fired by an old enemy.

The man went to a police station on August 19 and reported that his old enemy, 44-year-old Tak, shot him three times in the back. Investigators called the suspect in for questioning, and he admitted that he had indeed shot Somchai and also indicated the place where he had hidden the gun. Tak said that the applicant had approached him while he was fishing, accused him of stealing, and started to provoke a conflict. Moreover, he allegedly demanded that his opponent shoot him with a gun.

"I'm not afraid of anything, I'm immortal!" the man said at the time.

Then Somchai walked straight at Tak, intending to attack. In response, Tak pulled out a gun, shot his opponent three times, and ran away. Now Tak is sure that Somchai is truly immortal, since he not only survived, but also did not receive any serious injuries: the bullets only slightly scratched his skin.

Somchai told local media that the feud with Tak has been going on for seven years, and this time he was just lucky. He also stressed that he never claimed to be immortal. He believes that he was saved by a sacred amulet made from a boar's tusk, which he has been wearing for more than 10 years.

As a result, Tak was charged with attempted murder. He faces up to 20 years in prison.

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