A man is forced to clean up a luxurious garden that he planted on the roof of a house (5 photos)

Today, 03:45

Rob Wood says the space was previously in a poor state and has done everything he can to fix it, including throwing out "anti-social people".

Rob Wood, 53, planted a Mediterranean garden on the roof of Broadsands Beach Watersports Centre in Paignton, Devon, without permission. Now the man who rents the space has been forced to remove all the plants.

Torbay City Council officials said any changes to leased buildings must comply with planning, structural safety, health and safety regulations. They said the roof garden had been planted without prior planning permission and could pose a potential hazard.

Rob says the space was previously in disrepair and has done everything he can to fix it, including throwing out "people with anti-social behaviour".

The Briton took the advice of local gardeners and planted colourful flowers around the area with his three-year-old niece Dolce. The girl helped him look after the plants one day a week.

"What we've done here has been very thoughtful. I'm devastated now because we've put our heart and soul into it. Some compromise needs to be found. Hopefully common sense will prevail," Mr Wood added.

A Torbay council spokesman said they were committed to resolving the matter "amicably".

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