15 cases when people saw something extremely interesting and decided to capture it (16 photos)

Today, 03:46

Every day is full of unique events and happenings. So it’s no wonder that we already reflexively reach for our mobile phones or cameras to capture them and show them to others. Imagine how many incredible little things we missed in the past? Now is the time to catch up!

"My niece has 6 fingers on both hands"

The author of the photo specified that they are developed and work perfectly. The girl does not experience discomfort when using additional fingers.

"Found an alien statue in the riverbed"

A great start to a movie about an extraterrestrial civilization.

"Got my wisdom teeth out today"

Look how happy they are, running towards each other, waiting for a chance to hug!

"My watermelon exploded unexpectedly, now I have to clean the juice all over the kitchen"

This watermelon had been sitting there for months. The contents inside had liquefied and started fermenting. CO2 had built up. BAM!

"Handprint on my leg"

After noticing the symptom, the author of the photo immediately went to the hospital.

"This is what 2.3 kilograms of human fat looks like in your arm"

This is not real fat, but a medical model made of rubber.

"My bruise for some reason turned into weird squiggles"

The girl simply pressed her bruise with a cloth, which is why it took such an unusual shape.

"Found buns that expired 6 months ago. They look perfect"

Modern preservatives work wonders!

"Two fused watermelons"

By the way, the author of the photo paid not for 2 watermelons, but for only 1!

"I left this glass in the car. After a couple of days, its lid melted in the sun and became flat"

"My ice cube tray has one completely transparent cube"

I was looking for it, and then I realized my stupidity...

There is always at least one show-off in every crowd.

"A traffic light that shows a heart instead of a normal stop sign"

Stop in the name of love.

"Found this weird egg in a box"

"This bike has a wooden frame"

By the way, the price of this unusual bike starts at 17 thousand dollars! Eco is always more valuable!

"This is a weird tree I found in northeast Washington"

This phenomenon is called a witch's broom. It is an abnormal growth of branches.

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