Mariah Carey lost her mother and sister in one day (7 photos)

Today, 03:46

Over the weekend, American singer Mariah Carey lost her mother and older sister. The owner of a five-octave vocal range did not disclose the cause of death.

"I am heartbroken, I lost my mom this weekend," Mariah told ABC News. "Unfortunately, tragically, my sister passed away the same day."

The Grammy Award winner continued: "I was so happy to spend the last week with my mom before she passed away. I am grateful for everyone's love, support, and respect for my privacy during this difficult time."

Alison died at the age of 62 in a hospice. Mariah had a difficult relationship with her mother and sister.

The future star was born on March 27, 1969, in Huntington, New York, USA, to Alfred Roy Carey, an aeronautical engineer of African-American and Venezuelan descent, and Patricia, a former opera singer of Irish descent. After her parents' divorce, 3-year-old Mariah stayed with her mother. She often recalls her childhood, which was difficult and full of emotional indifference.

"Like many aspects of my life, my journey with my mother was full of contradictions and competition. It was never black and white - it was a rainbow of emotions. Our relationship was a barbed rope of pride, pain, shame, gratitude, jealousy, admiration, and disappointment," the singer wrote in her 2020 memoir The Meaning of Mariah Carey.

Carey's father died in 2002.

"My father's death was a difficult test for me," the celebrity told the German newspaper Bild am Sonntag. "We had become very close in the last few years. His death shocked me. He had inoperable cancer. He wanted freedom and died on Independence Day. We were able to become friends in the short time before his death, and I am grateful that I had this opportunity."

Mariah's maternal grandmother was categorically against Patricia marrying a black man, let alone having children with him.

"It was the ultimate humiliation. My parents' marriage was not just a betrayal of my grandmother, it was a crime against her white heritage, punishable by excommunication. Needless to say, my grandmother disowned her daughter."

In addition to her late sister, Mariah has a brother, Morgan, born in 1960. Her relationships with Morgan and Alison have been strained over the years.

In her book The Meaning of Mariah Carey, the singer claimed that when she was 12, her sister drugged her, gave her third-degree burns, and tried to sell her to a pimp. Later, Alison's boyfriend John tried to rape Mariah.

"Dysfunctional families are perfect prey for rapists," she wrote.

The star also accused her sister of selling false information to the media.

In an interview with The Sun, Alison denied the stories from the memoir. She accused Mariah and her mother of allowing strangers to sexually abuse her and involving her in satanic rituals.

Morgan publicly criticized Mariah and complained that she does not help the family financially. He and Alison sued their younger sister for defamation after the publication of The Meaning of Mariah Carey.

Luckily, the singer has found solace in her children, 13-year-old twins Moroccan and Monroe.

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