Photos showing the peculiarities of different professions in the past (16 photos)

Today, 03:46

The world is changing rapidly - and with the development of technology, many professions are no longer similar to what they were originally. This post contains footage from the past, showing how the market has changed, and how delivery has been simplified, or how the need for certain actions (for example, lamplighters) has disappeared altogether.

1. Employee in the computer room, 1960s

2. Cameraman filming the 1936 Olympics year

3. Delivering Coal to the 5th Floor, France, 1917

4. Butcher's Market, London, 1972 year

5. Eyesight chart, USA, 1907

6. Repair of the antenna of the World Trade Center in New York, 1979

7. Gas station in Washington, 1924

8. Francesco de Bernocchi and his wireless "iconograph", early 1910s. The wireless iconograph was a precursor to the fax machine. The device could transmit messages and images. Bernocchi received a patent for it in 1912

9. A policeman on a Harley-Davidson motorcycle transports a prisoner in a cage, 1921

10. The cabin of an Imperial Airways plane, England, 1936 year

11. Miners descend into the Kimberley diamond mine in South Africa, 1880s

12. In the 1960s, all taxis in Nepal were required to be painted with tiger stripes and have a head tiger

13. Taxi in New York, 1910

14. The world's first ATM in San Francisco, 1966 year

15. Medical workers of a psychiatric clinic practice a method of catching violent lunatics, 1903

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