47th Separate Mechanized Brigade fighters destroyed two enemy Zala UAVs in the air using FPV drones

17 August 2024
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Soldiers of the 47th Mechanized Brigade "Magura" destroyed two Russian reconnaissance drones "Zala" in the air with the help of kamikaze drones. As reported by Censor.NET, a video of the successful attacks by Ukrainian soldiers was published on social networks.

"Soldiers of the 47th Mechanized Brigade shot down two Russian reconnaissance drones Zala with the help of FPV drones, which were aimed at the target by radar. Brilliant work. A large number of Russian long-range reconnaissance drones is the main problem for our troops - these wings allow the enemy to adjust fire at great depth. Shooting down expensive Zala, costing about 100 thousand dollars, with cheap FPV is the most effective and modern way to protect our skies," the author of the publication notes in a comment.

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