86-year-old woman wears a corset for 23 hours to have the thinnest waist in the world (2 photos + 1 video)

8 August 2024

Katie June says she doesn't have a specific diet or exercise routine, but she does try to avoid foods that can cause bloating. She also says her waistline isn't hurting her.

The woman has no plans to give up her corsets anytime soon. She wears them for 23 hours a day and only takes them off to do the laundry. Katie has held the Guinness World Record for the smallest waist since she was 62.

The girl was only 18 years old when she put on her first corset. At 30, she decided to wear it permanently. Katie's love for corsets grew along with her passion for Victorian-style clothing. Most of her formal outfits are custom-made, but in everyday life she wears some ordinary things.

"If you want to wear a Victorian dress and for it to look appropriate, you need to wear the right underwear. When it came time to buy a new one, I bought it a size smaller. I didn't set a goal for myself to ever be smaller, it just happened naturally," the American said.

Her waist was originally 26 inches (66 cm). The woman gradually reduced it over the years. Now her waist is 21 inches (53 cm). She says she sleeps in a corset "for comfort."

Katie says she doesn't have a specific diet or exercise routine, but she tries to avoid foods that can cause bloating. She also says that such a small waist does not cause her any harm from a medical point of view. However, the record holder said that wearing corsets all day shifts the organs to a slightly different area.

Her husband Bob is an orthopedic surgeon and has monitored her health over the years as her waist has shrunk.

"He would tell me if anything I was doing to my body was unhealthy," says Katie.

After decades of shrinking her waist, Katie finally decided to stop, but she holds onto her world record.

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