227 years for three - a gang of grandfathers attacks Japan (6 photos)

Yesterday, 22:43

Japanese police arrested a group of repeat offenders. The whole irony is that in a rapidly aging country, even the criminals are more beautiful than the other - together the criminal trinity is 227 years old!

These are dangerous individuals!

When they were detained by the police, not everyone could walk and get into the police car without assistance. Meanwhile, they successfully carried out a lot of jewelry and made other plans!

Old gang of grandpas

The police called the group "G3S", which is the Japanese word for "grandfathers" (jisans). This nickname is deserved, because the composition of the group:

Hideo Umino, 88, Hidemi Matsuda, 70, and Kenichi Watanabe, 69. The old robbers met in prison, and after their release they were caught and charged with conspiracy to commit burglary.

We noticed that all the Japanese old men are all dry

After the publication of this news and funny name, the three grandfathers instantly became popular on social networks in Japan. Despite the fact that two of the three members had to be helped to walk during the arrest. Meanwhile, not everything is so funny, they are a fairly successful group.

They were caught, however, doing something stupid - they stole 200 yen and three bottles of whiskey worth 10,000 yen. But the police believe that the recent robbery of a house in the same area, where jewelry worth a million yen was taken away, was also their doing, trembling with the tremors of old age.

Old men at the bus stop... or criminal masterminds of Japan!?

Investigators say the senior gang member, Umino, was responsible for the theft. Experience, what can I say! Matsuda was the driver, and the younger one, Watanabe, was in charge of the stolen property. Apparently, the youngest stood on guard, in the wings, because he still has to gain and gain experience, the new guy!

How the elusive ones were caught

Police tracked down the three old men after checking CCTV cameras in the area.

Trims bonsai and plans to build a car wash

What prompted them to commit the crime? As the old people said, they needed to earn a living. It is logical that if they have been in prison for a long time, they have no savings or pension, and at that age they cannot find a job. And what were they asked to do?

The police are now trying to blame them on 10 more robberies in the area, carried out in the same style. It will become clear to the old people that they really did it in time.

But this is already a criminal power group

According to Japanese police, the crime rate among older people in the country has been rising in recent years.

The share of crimes committed by people over 65 increased from 2.1 percent in 1989 to 22 percent in 2019. Interestingly, almost a quarter of the criminals are old people!

Most often they engage in petty theft, especially in supermarkets. Even more interesting is that in Japan, of the total population, elderly people over 65 years old are 29%. That is, 29% of the population is responsible for a quarter of the crimes, and the Japanese old men have completely lost their belts!

We know why you look so slyly. All the loot has already been hidden!

And they also call Tokyo and Osaka some of the safest cities in the world, as far as possible!

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