Baby with heart defect survived thanks to Viagra (5 photos)

Category: Children, PEGI 16
21 July 2024

Doctors gave little Hope Staton an erectile dysfunction drug for three months to keep her blood vessels dilated after surgery.

The girl had only the left half of her heart developed, and she underwent surgery at five weeks old. Taking Viagra helped improve blood circulation while the body got used to the changes.

Hope's mom, 33-year-old Kim, shared: “Everyone is surprised when I tell them that my daughter has been taking Viagra for three months. I was shocked when the doctors told us about this - I could not imagine that this would be used for her. treatment."

"But it worked brilliantly. She recovered quickly from the operation. Looking at her now, you wouldn't think she only had half her heart working."

Kim and her husband, photographer Liam, 36, from Preston, discovered Hope had rare hypoplastic right heart syndrome at 20 weeks of pregnancy.

The mother said: "We were very worried when our daughter had the operation, but she tolerated it well. Viagra has helped her recovery. The medicine is making her blood vessels dilate and the blood flows more freely. Hope is making amazing progress."

"Happy little girl" will be 2 years old in August.

“The fact that she is here with us seems like a miracle,” admits Kim.

The Staytons, who are supported by the charity Little Hearts Matter, want to help other families with similar conditions.

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