Strange design of stairs that can hardly be called comfortable (17 photos)

Today, 08:58

Design is about comfort, functionality and safety. But many people forget about this. For them, design is a stream of crazy imagination that will bring more problems than benefits. Take these stairs, for example. Some of them may look cool, but they are literally life-threatening.

Good luck lifting the furniture

I would have to go sober immediately if I had to climb this monstrous ladder

This staircase, when going down it, is better to hold on to the wall so as not to get injured

Would you be stupefied at the sight of such a staircase?

A surefire way to head to the emergency room! Fast and with guaranteed results

This is the “Staircase of Death”, which was built by the ancient Incas. It is located in Peru. The staircase is located at an altitude of 2693 meters above sea level.

Literally one wrong step and that's it

Steep climb

Going up and down these stairs is a complete pain

Unusual cubic staircase in the small village of San Augustin Etla, Oaxaca, Mexico

You probably won't see a worse staircase.

Would you risk using such an attic ladder?

Try not to make a mistake here

Glass staircase without railings

Puzzle staircase

What about handrails?

That moment when the stairs feel like an obstacle course

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