Can cats eat ice cream and why do they react so strangely to it (6 photos + 1 video)
Cats love a variety of dairy products. Therefore, they will also not refuse ice cream from your hands. However, it should not be given to pets.
You've probably seen a lot of videos where cats are given ice cream to try. They react so funny, it's hilarious! They opened their mouths and froze, probably in shock from such deliciousness! Maybe I should give my Barsik some ice cream too? Wait! First read this article: you will be extremely surprised that all these videos are not jokes, but real cruelty to animals. Where is the cruelty here? The cat was not allowed to finish the treat?
In a moment it won't seem funny anymore.
Not at all. The fact is that the funny reaction of cats to the video is an indicator of severe pain. The furry ones are not crazy about the new treat: freezing, throwing back the head, sticking out the tongue and other “funny” gestures indicate that the animal is extremely uncomfortable, unpleasant, and he does not know how to stop it. But why do some ice cream hurt them so much?
There are two reasons for this. The first one is quite simple - bad teeth. People with weak enamel and high sensitivity are well aware of how strongly their teeth react to temperature changes. And how it hurts. The vast majority of domestic cats have dental problems. Animals endure to the last, so regular examination of the oral cavity is the direct responsibility of the owner. Look at your pet: an unpleasant odor from the mouth, inflamed gums, yellow plaque, black spots and chips on the teeth - all this is a reason to visit a veterinary dentist.
The second reason for a reaction to a treat is brain freeze. Jokes aside! By the way, it also occurs in people. According to statistics, about 20-30% of the entire population of the Earth experienced these terrible sensations. They say it is comparable to a migraine attack: a severe headache somewhere in the nose, forehead or behind the eyes.
“Brain freeze” occurs due to the sharp effect of an ice piece on the vessels in the oral cavity and higher up in the head. Due to the cold, veins and arteries first sharply contract - this is a reflex reaction of the body that wants to retain heat. Then, when the brain realizes what is happening, a large portion of warm blood is sent to the narrowed vessels, and they quickly expand back. The contraction-expansion is the cause of the painful reaction to cold.

Research specifically on cats and ice cream has not yet been carried out, but knowledge of cat anatomy and behavior after biting a cold treat suggests that roughly the same thing happens in the mouth of fur cats. Yes, not for everyone: as with people, such a reaction is an individual phenomenon. But, nevertheless, letting your pets bite off pieces of your ice cream is highly discouraged!

In addition to the fact that ice cream can provoke toothache and headache, it can cause problems with the cat’s gastrointestinal tract. Cats and dogs can't eat sweets - they don't digest them.
If you want to please your pet in the heat, prepare him your own special dish. To do this, you will need a special silicone licking mat and pate/kefir/minced meat/puree. Spread the edibles on the mat and put it in the freezer for a couple of hours. Then take it out and keep it at room temperature for a couple of minutes. Ready! The main thing is that the rug should be lickable: the risk of brain freeze occurs when a piece of something cold immediately falls into the mouth.

Such delicacies are even made for royalty! This is standard practice in zoos.
But remember: everything is individual. And if your tummy shows signs of pain, you will have to give up cold treats forever.