The Russian 200th Motorized Rifle Brigade lost 8 MTLB and 80 attack aircraft during the offensive in the Chasov Yar area, - captured occupier

Category: Prisoners, PEGI 18
18 July 2024
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Ivanov Denis comes from the Murmansk region, from the Russian city of Kirovsk. The occupier was a driver in a separate assault detachment. As Censor.NET reports, during the offensive in the Chasov Yar area, the Russian and two others from the group had to install and turn on electronic warfare to ensure the protection of the assault detachment from Ukrainian drones.

But this did not help and almost the entire detachment was eliminated. During the offensive, the enemy brigade lost 8 MTLBs and approximately 80 attack aircraft.

The occupier told how he fell into the hands of our fighters: “The group fled, but I was lucky - I was captured.”

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