In Kyiv, Russian missiles hit the Okhmatdyt children's hospital, the ADONIS private clinic and residential buildings (26 photos + 49 videos)

14 July 2024

The blow hit the toxicology building of the Okhmatdet hospital, where dialysis was carried out (artificial removal of fluid from the body in case of acute kidney dysfunction), intensive care units, operating rooms, and the oncology department were damaged.

Russia hit Okhmatdyt with an X-101 missile - SBU

Relevant evidence has already been found at the scene of the tragedy: in particular, fragments of the housing of the rear part of the X-101 missile with a serial number and part of the steering wheel of the same missile.

Footage from the first minutes of the attack on Okhmatdyt indicates that it was a targeted terrorist attack


Another angle of a direct hit by the X-101 on Okhmatdyt in Kyiv.

In the second video there is a storyboard, the rocket enters at an angle of 45 degrees.

Wounded near the Isis clinic during the second Russian strike, which killed 4 people.

Sick children are forced to take refuge in basements due to the alarm declared in Kyiv

According to the Armed Forces of Ukraine, in total, Russia launched 38 missiles at Ukraine and shot down 30 air defense missiles.

In Kyiv, 11 people were rescued from the rubble, 32 people died, including 4 children

- As a result of yesterday's Russian missile attack in Kyiv, 120 people were injured, including 10 children, the State Emergency Service reported.

- Search and rescue operations continue under the rubble of a residential building in the Shevchenko district.

- At the time of the attack, there were 627 children in the Okhmatdyt hospital, of which 8 were injured. Currently, 94 children have been evacuated to other hospitals in Kyiv. In the surviving departments of Okhmatdyt, 68 children remained under treatment, the KSVA said.

465 patients requiring planned treatment were examined and temporarily discharged home.

Germany will accept Ukrainian children for treatment

This was stated by Federal Minister of Health Karl Lauterbach after the missile attack on the Okhmatdyt children's hospital.

“I promised the Minister of Health of Ukraine Viktor Lyashko that we will accept children in need of help at any time, the next rescue flight will take off on Wednesday. With a targeted attack on a children’s hospital, Putin has once again shown that he is a war criminal,” Lauterbach wrote.

Meanwhile, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz added that “Germany stands firmly on the side of the Ukrainians, especially in these difficult times.”

“Children can never be a target”: the US and EU condemned the massive Russian attack

The American president called the shelling of Okhmatdyt “a terrible reminder of Russian cruelty” and noted that assistance to Ukraine is extremely important.

The state will completely rebuild Okhmatdyt. We are starting work now - Shmygal

UAH 100 million from the state budget reserve fund will be allocated for priority restoration work at Okhmatdyt. As the restoration project is prepared, funding will be increased, said Prime Minister Denis Shmyhal.

“I sincerely thank everyone who helped fight the consequences of Russian terror. Rescuers, doctors, concerned citizens, volunteers and businesses,” he said.

Shmygal added that each family with children affected by the attack will receive assistance in the amount of 10 thousand 800 UAH. for each family member.

"Putin bombs children's cancer hospital: Atrocities that show why Britain and NATO must spend more on defence" - the front page of the British Daily Mail today.

"Don't leave Britain defenseless." "Just imagine a missile hitting Great Ormond Street (London's famous children's hospital). Nothing is sacred to Putin," pages two and three of the Daily Mail.

The blow to Okhmatdyt is also on the front pages of the British The Independent, the German Tagesspiegel (4) and many other leading European and American publications.

During the NATO Summit, the inscription Child killers was projected onto the Russian embassy in Washington - BILD

An eloquent inscription appeared just under the Russian tricolor. The laser projection was a reaction to Russia’s barbaric attack on Ukraine’s largest children’s hospital, Okhmatdyt.

Who exactly organized the action is still unknown. But we are grateful to everyone who stands in solidarity with Ukraine and supports it in the fight against the aggressor.

General Director of Okhmatdyt about today's enemy missile attack on a hospital. This is proof that Russia should not exist as a country.

General Director of Okhmatdyt Vladimir Zhovnir commented on today's Russian missile attack on the Okhmatdyt hospital.

The corresponding video was published on the official telegram channel of the NDSB "Okhmatdet", reports Censor.NET.

“Our hospital is the largest hospital in Europe. It is here that more than 600 children are treated every day. It is here that children find hope for life, and it was at this institution that a Russian missile flew today. Russia is a terrorist country, this is further proof that Russia should not exist as a country,” said Vladimir Zhovnir.

To restore Okhmatdyt there will be another 300 million hryvnia, - Zelensky

Vladimir Zelensky said that another 300 million hryvnia will be allocated to restore the Okhmatdyt children's hospital.

Uncle Andrey, stop. Pray and think about what you are doing

After the attack on Okhmatdyt, a video of Natalya Vertinskaya appeared online, introducing herself as the niece of the head of the Russian Ministry of Defense Andrei Belousov and calling on him to stop the shelling.

The Insider conducted an investigation and found out that Vertinskaya is indeed a relative of Belousov. And his cousin lives in Kyiv and his grandparents are buried. At one of the Kyiv cemeteries, Donbass Realia journalists found probable burial places. The names on the tombstones are Major General Alexander Alexandrovich Belousov and Serafima Nikolaevna Belousova.

At the same time, the younger brother of the Russian Minister of Defense, Dmitry Belousov, in a commentary to Russian media, denies the presence of Vertinskaya’s niece.

“We have neither relatives of the Vertinskys, nor relatives in America. Accordingly, there is no combination of relatives of the Vertinskys in America,” Belousov Jr. said.

The shelling of Kyiv caught the host of the capital's TV channel live

A video recording with a fragment of a live broadcast from one of the capital’s TV channels during yesterday’s missile attack on Kyiv has been published online. As Censor.NET reports, in the recording the presenter stops reading the text planned on air, counts the explosions and calls on his colleagues to go down to the studio located in the basement.

The first minutes after the strike on Okhmatdyt

The mother ran to the building of the children's hospital, where the rocket hit. It was at this time that her daughter was undergoing dialysis in the same window where the ruins were.

It's impossible to watch this video without crying.

The network showed footage of a baby who was injured during the attack on Okhmatdyt. In this hospital, children are struggling with serious illnesses, but Russian terrorists have nothing human, they even attack the defenseless.

Russia is trying to take away our most valuable assets. TikTok/_bellovs_

I went to sort out the rubble as soon as I finished the operation: the pediatric surgeon became one of the symbols of courage on the day of the Okhmatdyt attack

Photos of a medic dressed in a snow-white but blood-stained surgical suit went viral online. It turned out that during the missile attack Oleg Golubchenko was operating on a small patient.

The shock wave threw the doctor onto the operating table, but he and his colleagues managed to do everything necessary to transfer the baby to manual artificial respiration, writes the UP. The operation was completed in another hospital. The child survived.

"He did everything possible, trying to help the children, their parents and the hospital. He sorted rocks with rescuers, consoled his colleagues, was constantly running somewhere, carrying something. I couldn’t talk to him because he didn’t want to stop for a second,” journalist Kristina Berdinskikh said about Oleg.


It is known that Oleg Golubchenko graduated from the Crimean Medical University. S.I. Georgievsky, having received training as a pediatric surgeon. On his social network, the surgeon shares the results of successful maxillofacial operations on young patients of Okhmatdyt.

In Lvov they said goodbye to Svetlana Lukyanchuk, a nephrologist who was killed by the Russians when they hit Okhmatdyt with a missile.

She devoted her whole life to helping children suffering from kidney failure. I literally lived for work.

“Svetlana worked in the only department in Ukraine where children with chronic kidney disease of all types and severity could be treated as an inpatient. Before the strike, the doctor still managed to transfer small patients on dialysis to the shelter. The department is completely destroyed,” said the head of the Lviv Regional Police Department, Maxim Kozitsky.

“We were preparing for a wedding, not a funeral. This is a disaster! She loved those children of hers so much, she loved that hospital so much!”

Lvov said goodbye to a doctor from Okhmatdyt who was killed by the Russians

“We came to work to help others”: the Adonis clinic named the names of those killed during the attack on July 8

A Russian missile strike took the lives of five employees of a private clinic on Levoberezhnaya in Kyiv.

Among the dead:
• Svetlana Poplavskaya – obstetrician-gynecologist, mother of three children;
• Tatyana Sharova – head nurse. In 2014, my son and I moved from Donetsk, fleeing the war started by Russia. The son was in captivity;
• Victor Braguta – ultrasound diagnostics doctor, father of two daughters;
• Oksana Korzh – sister-housewife, mother of two children;
• Victoria Bondarenko – senior cashier, mother of two children.

Sincere condolences to family and friends.

“I wasn’t scared and reassured my mother”: 6-year-old Okhmatdyt patient Kirill about the Russian strike

At the time of the attack, Kirill and his mother were in shelter. The boy has been battling blood cancer for three months. He was treated at Okhmatdyt, and has now been transferred to the National Cancer Institute.

“In most cases, we simply cannot contact people. We are very worried about yesterday so that we don’t catch anything anywhere. This could end badly. We are waiting for test results,” said Yulia, Kirill’s mother.

Russia is a terrorist state that must answer for crimes against Ukrainian children!

About "Okhmatdyt" - the largest children's hospital in Europe, which was attacked by Russia

In 1894, Kiev philanthropist Nikola Tereshchenko built a large building, which became the first city hospital for poor people.

The hospital was named after Tsarevich Nicholas, and by 1903 a surgical building with 25 beds was opened there. In 1898, stone barracks were opened here for infectious patients and a wooden barracks for people with chronic diseases.

The fate of "Okhmatdyt" in the USSR
In 1927, the Bolsheviks repurposed the hospital, connecting infant homes, dairy kitchens, a consultation and a children's hospital. On this basis, the Okhmatdyt Institute of Childhood and Motherhood was opened with a clinic and surgery.

"Okhmatdyt" during the Second World War and after
From the first day of the German attack and hostilities on the territory of Ukraine, Okhmatdyt began to host wounded soldiers, refugees and civilians. A bomb shelter was built in the basement of the building.

In 1943, the structure of the hospital included obstetric, gynecological, children's, therapeutic, otolaryngological, surgical, intramural, venereological, infectious diseases departments, as well as departments for chronic patients.

"Okhmatdyt" in independent Ukraine
In July 1996, the Ministry of Health of Ukraine merged the Ukrainian Consultative Center for Mother and Child together with the scientific and medical association "Okhmatdyt". Thus, the hospital once again secured its status as the largest children's hospital in Ukraine.

In 1997, a bone marrow transplant unit was created here. In the same year, the first stem cell transplants in Ukraine were carried out at the hospital for children with leukemia. In 1998, the Center for Pediatric Oncohematology and Bone Marrow Transplantation began operating within the structure of Okhmatdyt - the number of children’s lives saved here is growing significantly.

In the early 2000s, the hospital underwent a large-scale renovation: buildings were closed for repairs and equipment was replaced.

Since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, Okhmatdyt has continued to give hope for recovery to thousands of children in Ukraine. The hospital had a surgery department, pediatric gynecology, a medical genetic center, a Republican Center for Pediatric Hematology, and neonatology, where very premature babies weighing from 500 to 1500 grams were cared for.

The missile that the Russians used to attack Okhmatdyt contained Western components - FT

The enemy hit the Okhmatdyt children's hospital with an X-101 cruise missile, one of the most modern in the Russian Federation. Russia now produces almost eight times more Kh-101s than before the full-scale invasion and is still dependent on Western parts, the Financial Times reports.

Sanctions cut Russia off from advanced technologies, but the Kremlin began using components not intended for military use.

Thus, two components in the Russian X-101 were labeled as manufactured by the Swiss company STMicroelectronics, and the rest were labeled as manufactured by American chip manufacturers, including Texas Instruments, Analog Devices and Intel.

“The price of the rocket is not comparable...”: Kremlin mouthpieces continue to invent theories about who attacked Okhmatdyt

According to propagandists, for Russia, a strike on a children’s hospital makes no sense “neither from a military nor from a political point of view.” And in general, “the Russians are very pragmatic” and would not waste an expensive missile.

Russian cynicism knows no bounds.

“It’s very difficult to lose people, to lose children. At such moments you want to kill Putin” - Zelensky

The President of Ukraine called the attack on the Okhmatdyt children's hospital Putin's signal to the world that he will “act exactly this way.”


“Putin doesn’t think about what’s happening in Ukraine. The missile was not flying towards a military target, and there was nothing wrong with it. No, the rocket was flying straight at the hospital. And this is not the first time,” he said during a speech at the Ronald Reagan Institute.

Z-propagandists believe that since not a single child died as a result of the barbaric attack on Okhmatdyt, then Zelensky had no right to motivate Putin’s murder by the death of children.

Russian pilot “turned in” his colleagues after the strike on the Okhmatdyt children’s hospital - media

A pilot of the 22nd Heavy Bomber Aviation Division, which bombards our cities with X-101 missiles, turned to the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Moscow Region after the attack on Okhmatdyt, RBC-Ukraine reports, citing a source.

It is reported that in a Ukrainian intelligence chatbot, a Russian serviceman wrote that he and his colleagues were shocked by the attack on a children's hospital and did not understand why they were being forced to attack the civilian infrastructure of Ukraine. He also handed over private photos of commanders, documents on personal files of senior officers and personal data of military personnel.

After the shelling of Okhmatdyt, Russia hosted a reception with Kiev cutlets at the UN

The Russian Federation hosted a lunch on the occasion of its presidency of the UN Security Council immediately after a meeting where they discussed the Russian missile attack on a children's hospital.

“The moral degradation of Russian diplomacy is obvious,” Ukraine’s permanent representative to the UN Sergei Kislitsa said in a comment to Ukrinform.

The Financial Times is showing American chips used in the Russian Kh-101 missile, one of which struck the Okhmatdyt children's hospital in Kyiv on Monday.

In total, the X-101 uses 16 electronic components: 14 of them are produced by American companies, another 2 are produced by Swiss ones. 7 of these components are produced in China, 3 in Malaysia, 2 in Taiwan. Imports are mainly carried out by China. This is all shown in the graph on the second screen.

Lithuania transferred 1 million euros to restore Okhmatdyt after the Russian strike - Prime Minister Ingrida Simonyte

“The only way to stop a terrorist state is to increase support for the victory of Ukraine. The only fair way to support the restoration of Ukraine is to make the aggressor pay,” she emphasized in her message on the X/Twitter platform.

Bellingcat's investigation into the Russian X-101 that hit the Okhmatdyt children's hospital in Kyiv is being blocked by Twitter, which flags the Bellingcat website as unsafe.

Well, I'll leave it here. Link to full investigation.

Below is a summary.

- Immediately after the strike, Russian channels, which had previously been repeatedly noted for disseminating disinformation, as well as the Russian Foreign Ministry, began to claim that it was an American AIM-120 anti-missile missile launched from the NASAMS air defense system.

- After analyzing videos from social networks, as well as building 3D models of both missiles (photo 1), Bellingcat came to the conclusion that it was a Russian X-101.

- The same conclusions were reached by Fabian Hoffmann ( from the University of Oslo and Dr. Geoffrey Lewis, an expert on missiles and nuclear weapons from the Middlebury Institute of International Studies.

- In the video from social networks, the rocket is very clearly visible: a turbojet engine at the back and two short wings in the middle. These are the distinctive features of the X-101.

- The fragments and parts of the rocket that were shown ( by the SBU after the strike on Okhmatdyt, namely the engine panel, supporting spar, serial number and markings, do correspond to the X-101.

- The fragments of the rocket that the SBU showed were indeed found near the ruins of the Okhmatdyt building, and not anywhere else: these fragments are visible in the photo of journalists from, Kyiv Post and Reuters (photo 2).

- Claims that this is an American AIM-120 are false, since the AIM-120 does not have a turbojet engine in place of the tail unit. Also, the wings of the AIM-120 in the center of the rocket do not match the wings of the X-101, which we saw in the video. The AIM-120 also has a sharp nose, unlike the X-101. To verify this, Bellingcat compared 3D models of the X-101 and AIM-120 (look again at photo 1).

- In an attempt to justify the strike, the VES.RF channel stated that Okhmatdyt was located next to the State Aviation Service of Ukraine (and Z-political scientist Sergei Markov stated that a meeting of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine was supposedly taking place nearby - approx.). With these justifications, they themselves undermine the version that it was an American anti-missile missile.

If a Russian missile had hit Okhmatdyt, there would have been nothing left of the building - Russian Representative to the UN

The more Russia justifies itself, the more it becomes clear how big a lie this is! And while the entire world media is shocked by the horror that happened in Kyiv, propagandists, the Ministry of Murder and the Kremlin are trying to promote the message that these are not their missiles.

Although Putin deliberately aimed at the most famous children's hospital.

Shocking footage of an enemy attack on the Okhmatdyt children's hospital, a medical clinic on the Left Bank, and a residential building on Syrts - on the pages of the world media

These articles are about how Putin tried to kill children with serious illnesses, about the deaths of doctors and children under the rubble of his apartment.

Unknown persons brought poisoned drinking water to the site of the missile attack on Okhmatdyt: Kyiv Police are checking the information

Kiev volunteer and head of the HELP IN MUKACHEVO charity foundation Ekaterina Terekhova, who helped clear the rubble at the site of the Russian missile attack on the Okhmatdyt hospital, reported that unknown persons brought a toxic liquid.

According to her, the water was given to volunteers who helped clear the rubble at the site where the Russian missile hit the Okhmatdyt hospital.

The volunteer noted that two police officers who came into contact with the water received chemical poisoning.

So, she says, one of the policemen washed his face with this water, and the other only drank a little of it.

According to the volunteer, they were pumped out by an ambulance. The water, as noted, was packaged, but then, when it was compared with other similar water, it turned out that the labels on them were different.

A very difficult day for Ukrainians, - Svitolina gave an emotional comment after reaching the quarterfinals of Wimbledon

Ukrainian tennis player Elina Svitolina defeated Chinese Wang Xinyu in the fourth round of Wimbledon 2024. The match lasted 1 hour 11 minutes and ended with a score of 6:2, 6:1.

Ukrainian tennis player Elina Svitolina (No. 21 WTA) cried during a flash interview after her match of the 1/8 finals of Wimbledon 2024 with Chinese Wang Xinyu (No. 42 WTA).

After the victory, Svitolina spoke with tears in her eyes about the tragic events in Ukraine.

"Without a doubt, it was a good game. But it was a very difficult day for the Ukrainians. So yes, it was not so easy to concentrate on the game. It was very difficult to read the news in the morning, it was very difficult to go out onto the court. So I am glad that she played and won,” Svitolina said.

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