Spain introduces a fine for urinating in the sea (7 photos)

6 July 2024

So what? The sea is big! This is not some kind of swimming pool, in which there can be from 30 to 75 liters of urine, depending on its size. By the way, I didn’t come up with this, Canadian researchers figured it out.

There is no way to achieve such a concentration of urine at sea. I just roughly figured out that even if the entire population of the Earth (all 8 billion, including babies) dumped one liter into the Mediterranean Sea at the same time (this, of course, you have to try - eat a watermelon or drink beer first), then the concentration of urine in it will still be approximately 10 thousand times less than in any pool.

Synchronized swimmers.

Despite the fact that even one billion people are unlikely to come to the popular resort town of Marbella on the Mediterranean coast of Spain to empty their bladders on local beaches, the authorities in Marbella have decided to introduce fines for holidaymakers caught performing “physiological evacuation at sea and on beach."

The fine is 750 euros. But the fine will double for each repeat violation. Thus, the second penalty will be 1,500 euros, the third - 3,000 euros.

What awaits holidaymakers peeing outside the toilets for the fourth and each subsequent violation is still unknown. Perhaps the fine, having reached 3,000 euros, will not increase further. Or some kind of forced labor for the benefit of society, or even imprisonment, will be added to the fine.

Although it is possible that the authorities of Marbella are counting on the fact that three fines will be enough to rehabilitate the most inveterate ss..., oh, violator.

Beach in Marbella.

Well, a great start, in my opinion. But personally, I still have one small question.

If, apparently, there will be no problems with tracking “physiological evacuation” on the beach, on dry sand, then how, I would like to know, are the authorities going to catch those who went to relieve themselves in warm sea water?

There are only a couple of options that come to my mind.

Perhaps, with the help of video cameras and a computer, EVERY vacationer on the beach will be monitored. And if, for example, a person, sunbathing and swimming for several hours, never goes to the toilet, will he automatically be considered as having peed in the sea, with subsequent imposition of a fine?

Or, for example, the same video cameras will monitor the behavior of only swimmers. Let’s say, a man walked into the sea up to his waist or deeper and froze for about twenty seconds. Oops! And he is already a violator with all the ensuing consequences!

Or maybe the Marbella authorities decided to breed some special breed of fish that will respond to “physiological evacuation” to the sea? And then in some way (by jumping out of the water en masse, for example) who should be informed about the “evacuation”?

Although this, of course, is a completely fantastic option!

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