The girl had difficulty getting the stuck ball out

Category: Funny, PEGI 0+
29 June 2024

The ball of a young gym visitor got stuck on a net stretched under the ceiling. The girl tried to knock him out with her sneakers, but threw them in there too. However, she didn't give up.

One of the common problems children have is when the ball gets stuck somewhere, for example, on a tree. In this case, they try to bring him down by any available means. In this case, shoes are often used.

For the girl in this video, the situation was more complicated: her ball got stuck on a net stretched under the ceiling of the gym. She also tried to knock it down with her sneakers, but the ball apparently was very attractive and attracted the whole pair to itself. However, the girl turned out to be more persistent than many adults, so she did not give up and returned all her things.

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