Why does Japan need an underwater mailbox (5 photos)

26 June 2024

Sometimes the sea takes something from Japan, washes the shores, washes away rocks. But this does not mean that you just need to submit to the sea. Out of principle!

Bow your knee before the Unsinkable!

There is a small fishing town in Japan called Sumami, which was not particularly interesting to anyone. Nobody even wrote email here for weeks. Before the postmaster made the “postal revolution.”

Sink the box

How to increase the amount of correspondence in your town to 1500 postcards per year? Drown the mailbox.

Mobile equipment rental point near the underwater box

Now you need to dive underwater and take diving equipment to send a message. And people really like to cope with such difficulties.

And all that was needed was to move the red mailbox, which had previously stood on land on the coast, 10 meters underwater.

Pay attention to the recessed beams and walkways, the sea sometimes takes for itself what it likes

Remember when I told you about the world's loneliest post office in the Chinese desert? It also figured out how to make itself popular with postcards.

And here is an underwater version of hard-to-reach mail.

Should postcards be waterproof?

Well, yes. Such postcards are sold at post offices on land and are always in demand.

The sweat worker has his own equipment and lives richly!

And the postmaster himself takes the correspondence from under the water, changing into a diving suit. If he were not interested in this sport, it is unlikely that such a thing would have occurred to him.

By the way, the box is removed and replaced every six months with a spare one to clean it of salt and deposits.

Now thousands of tourists come to Sumy to send a custom postcard from a custom box. Almost 40 thousand items have already been sent this way. And the popularity does not fade!

And this is the post office in Vanutatu - you can just swim with fins and a mask, without diving or showing off

In fact, it was not the postmaster of Sumy who first came up with this. This was already done in the Bahamas in 1939, but this box did not stand the test of time, so for a long time the Japanese mail had the title of the first.

I really liked the idea, it’s very funny, but making this box the goal of your tourist trip? I can't imagine who would do that.

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