A cage with history in Levoce (8 photos)

Category: Nostalgia, PEGI 0+
26 June 2024

The elegant wrought iron structure looks like a cage for a very large bird. And “birds” who were too easy on social norms and rules were actually placed in it for some time.

The method of punishment in the form of public shame and humiliation, alas, boasts a long history. For centuries, stocks and poles have been used in various countries to display criminals and troublemakers for all to see. To punish violators and warn other potential criminals using a clear example.


In some European countries there was another form of punishment called the cage of shame.

There is such a cage in Levoča, a small Slovak town dating back to the 16th century. Made from wrought iron, it looks a bit like a sturdy gazebo, but looks more like a giant birdcage. Ostensibly for reasons of touching concern for violators, there is a small metal heart on the door, as if hinting to the prisoner: “This is for your own good.”

To maximize the suffering of the poor fellows who were captured, the cage was often used at markets, fairs and festivals when there were a lot of people there. The offenses for which the poor fellows were put in a cage can hardly be called crimes. This could be chattering, gossiping, cheating on a spouse, public drunkenness, breaking curfew, or simply going on a binge - all this could lead to imprisonment in a cage of shame for a couple of days.

And good neighbors diligently contributed to the implementation of the punishment, throwing stones, rotten vegetables at the unfaithful wife or lover of libations, and in the absence of such, using the material that was always available - their own saliva.

There are cages of shame in other Slovak cities. But this one is considered the largest and most famous. It is located in the old town square, which is surrounded by the Renaissance town hall, colorful old houses and the 14th-century Church of St. James.

Most of the time the cage is locked, but sometimes it is opened for special events. On such days, anyone can look inside to experience a tiny share of the delights of life in the Middle Ages and take a memorable photo.

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