Residents from different countries of the world showed how much food costs at home (15 photos)

Category: Food, PEGI 0+
6 June 2024

Throughout human history, people have been curious to know how people from other countries live. This applies not only to cultural characteristics, but also to simple everyday matters. For example... going to the market or grocery store for groceries. And even though there are identical products on the shelves in different parts of the world, the cost of a grocery basket can vary significantly. The guys from the Internet decided to compare how much money they spend on food in supermarkets and markets.

Purchase from a market in Kenya - $3.93

Florida, USA – $78

No, the cat is not for sale, it is priceless.

Grocery basket in South Africa - $300

Here's what you can buy in the UK for $125

New Zealand - $25

Here are colored flour, broccoli, blueberries, cherry tomatoes, mushrooms, spinach, cucumber, zucchini and carrots.

Poland - $3.27

Juice, smoothie and coconut milk.

Bucharest, Romania – $32

Purchased in the suburbs of Munich, Germany - $130

Spain - $6.45

Brazil – $15

Here there is fish, berries and tapioca flour.

Australia - $74

Wakayama, Japan - $46.52

Finland - $12.82

Canada - $61

Purchased from a supermarket in Luxembourg - $70.50

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