Why does a turtle need a “hairy” shell, painted bright green (4 photos)

Category: Animals, PEGI 0+
3 June 2024

At first glance, it is not clear: are turtles “hairy” from birth or is this the work of scientists who planted a little green grass on the animal’s back? In the modern world, everything is possible, don’t be surprised if anything happens!

It turned out that sometimes algae grows directly on the animals themselves, especially on those who rarely walk in the sun and cool in the shade. After all, if a turtle spends a lot of time in the sun, the algae die and stop growing. The uniqueness of Australian turtles is that greenery grows not only on their back, which often happens, but also on the top of their head. And it looks just awesome! It’s as if some stylist worked on the “Tortilla” look.


In modern China, “hairy” turtles are very revered and are considered a symbol of longevity. The Japanese also respect this animal and nicknamed it “turtle in a grass cloak.”

Of course, earlier the heroes of the article grew grass naturally, but recently in the Middle Kingdom there were craftsmen who learned to artificially grow various algae on reptiles. Well, the Chinese don’t live in peace, let us come up with something! But hairstyles on animal shells amuse everyone around.

What is the function of the shell?

After a study conducted by scientists, it turned out that in addition to green vegetation on the shell, reptiles live legally: crustaceans, worms and even small sticky fish, which are clearly visible when examining the hard attribute.

The turtle shell is not only a hostel for many small creatures, but also a passenger ship that takes them from point “A” to point “B”. This allows the cunning small fry to settle and settle in almost all seas and oceans. Attached to the “Tortilla House,” small organisms travel great distances and then get off at the desired stop. Well, is it okay? Who will pay the fare?

Why is it difficult for turtles to survive in the modern world?

Turtles play a very significant role in the existence of many organisms. They help maintain the delicate balance of populations of plants and living things. Nowadays, their life is not at all sugar! Every year, reptiles die from entanglement in fishing nets, climate change, polluted environments, habitat loss, and the demand for turtle soup.

Fatal cases have become more frequent when an animal dies from plastic after mistaking it for food. Unfortunately, today these reptiles are endangered as a species, so people must do everything to prevent this from happening!

Why does a turtle need such a strange shell?

It's quite simple! Animals desperately need camouflage among the algae from predatory creatures that might eat them for lunch or dinner. True, if there is too much vegetation on a reptile, this can lead to the growth of fungal infections and delamination of the “roof of the house” of the turtles. Nature never ceases to amaze us!

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