The creepiest way to beg (8 photos)

Category: Terrible, PEGI 0+
3 June 2024
Caution! The post contains shocking material. Make sure you really want to see it and you are over 18 years old.

If you see this on the streets, you will turn gray, and if you are already gray, then remember what their name was.

Creepy little kids with doll faces jumping at you from the darkness of a suburban Jakarta village are not horror come to life. This is a way of begging from the locals.

Where do they get such terrible ideas?

Monkey Village is one of hundreds of slum villages near the Jakarta metropolis. Here they live in huts made from scraps of building materials, wear rags, and not everyone has shoes. The trouble is that there are a lot of villages like this, and how can you prove that this particular one needs help and money? Come up with a way that will be remembered until old age. And then it was developed with a bang; not a single tourist forgot the meeting with the local beggar.

The girl has no shoes, the monkey wears her baby dress

Because the beggars here are monkeys dressed in children's dresses... and with doll masks on their faces! Lifeless faces of big dolls, because Barbie’s face won’t fit on a monkey.

If you were afraid of creepy dolls as a child, you are guaranteed stress and phobia for the rest of your life.

This photo scares me the most

However, tourists serve and are touched by little monkeys who are trained to beg into the wallets that are fastened to them.

It seems that some tourists are trying to pay off the evil spirit, if only he would come quickly.

Yes, this is ALSO an obligation, don’t be alarmed. But you better go around in circles

The authorities are fighting in the wrong direction

The government sometimes catches these monkeys and takes them away. This is because they are trained harshly, they are put in cramped cages, they also don’t see expensive food, and the owners themselves have nothing to eat. They are kept on a short chain so that they can relearn how to walk from four legs to two. In a large metropolis, this is considered cruelty to animals and they need to be saved.

Monkey pen for beggars

It's ironic that they came up with such creepy monkeys because they are literally starving to death and have no work to do. If they had the opportunity to get money and feed their family, then the need for monkeys would disappear by itself. But the Jakarta government is unable to provide even simple work to all those in need.

I wonder if they saw this doll?

Trained monkeys, even such creepy ones, are still better than deciding to rob. Or commit a crime just to go to prison, where at least they feed you every day.

The Economics of Begging

By the way, such a monkey can bring from 3 to 30 dollars per day. And the authorities offer to buy the animal for $90. This is less than a week's earnings, but what should the family do next?

But this monkey in a bear mask is even cute

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