They destroyed everything: the man showed what the tenants did to his ideal home (8 photos)

3 June 2024

All the doors were broken or removed from their hinges, furniture was smashed, the bathroom sink was torn from the wall, mattresses lay in the garden as if they had been thrown out of a second-floor window.

Musingaye Nduna, 37, who rents out his home in the West Midlands (UK) using Airbnb, showed in a video what unscrupulous tenants did to his ideal home.

The man said he received alarming messages from police and neighbors during the night, so he sent his cleaner there in the morning and was stunned to see the scale of the destruction.

In the published photographs you can see that all the wooden doors were broken or removed from their hinges, the furniture was broken, the bathroom sink was torn from the wall, and mattresses lay in the garden as if they had been thrown out of a window on the second floor.

Mr Nduna, who became a real estate investor after leaving his previous job, believes this was an attack on his business due to unfair competition.

The owner was later hit with a £12,000 bill for rebuilding the house, and he even considered quitting the business entirely.

Fortunately, Airbnb conducted an internal investigation and awarded Muzingaya £8,450 in compensation as part of its host loss protection program. It reportedly took two weeks to restore the property.

“When I first saw the photographs, I was shocked. I had never dealt with the police before, so I was worried that something serious had happened and I would have to sit in court,” says Nduna.

The man hosted Airbnb guests for the first time in 2021. His house was often rented by families who needed access to the nearby hospital.

The investor's video received more than 20 thousand likes and many reposts and comments.

"Why, just why? I don't understand the mentality of some people!";

"Looks like a battlefield";

“Nightmare, they destroyed absolutely everything”;

“It’s crazy, what’s wrong with these people?”;

“Oh my God! How do people have the conscience to do this?”

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