A nurse used threats to force her 40-year-old lover to conceive a child within a month (4 photos)

30 May 2024

One day, an angry woman even hit her partner in the face with a glass candlestick, leaving a scar all over his nose.

41-year-old nurse Sarah Rigby from Cheshire (UK) bullied and humiliated her 40-year-old partner Gareth Jones because of his appearance, and also forced her to conceive a child within a month.

In court, Jones said that his lover almost drove him to suicide with her constant bullying: she forced him to eat toothpaste and drink mouthwash to get rid of the unpleasant smell from the robot, beat him and called him “a fat, lazy, stupid and smelly dog.”

In addition, Rigby took the man's entire salary of £4,000 a month, constantly checked his mobile phone, and blackmailed him into conceiving a child.

“If I don’t get pregnant this month, I’ll find someone else to have sex with. I need a child, otherwise I’ll leave you,” Sarah told her boyfriend.

One day, an angry woman even hit Jones in the face with a glass candlestick, leaving a scar all over his nose.

"My self-image has become distorted. Sarah kicked me, bit me, scratched me with her nails. I no longer feel open to new relationships due to the risk of violence and I am unlikely to be able to trust another woman. When I am in public and see someone with such Having the same hairstyle and hair color as Sarah makes me scared,” Jones said at the court hearing.

He added that he was traumatized by the experience: he lives with a minimum of things and carries a bag with him everywhere with a toothbrush, hygiene products and a towel in case he is kicked out of the house again.

By the way, Sarah Rigby was sentenced to 20 months in prison, suspended for two years, and banned from contacting the victim and his parents for five years.

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