Hilarious moment of an angry goose hitting a cyclist (6 photos + 1 video)

Category: Animals, PEGI 0+
30 May 2024

A Go-Pro camera captured the creature flying over the man's head and knocking him off his bike. The Briton shared the video with the caption: “The goose chose violence.”

“I was driving to work this morning along my usual route, and this damn goose decided that today was the day he would hit me. And so it happened.”

The footage shows a Stoke-on-Trent cyclist peacefully commuting to work along the 12km route next to the canal.

He slowed down as he approached a duck and a couple of geese on the shore. When the man tried to avoid the birds, the goose lunged at him. The man ended up on the ground, and the clawed one continued to flap its wings frighteningly.

The video received more than 280 likes and 56 comments.

“You didn’t prove your superiority or defend yourself. You just ran away,” one joked.

A second added: “At least he didn’t fall into the canal!”

A third wrote: "Didn't expect this. Thought you'd swerve to avoid a collision."

The cyclist replied: "I usually drive by and hear a hiss and I say 'fuck off'. I've been riding 8 miles along the canal to and from work for 8 years and this is the first time a goose has lunged at me."

Meanwhile, runners in Scotland have been advised to wear helmets after a buzzard attacked a 47-year-old man, leaving him with "six holes in his head".

Last May, Ewan Cameron was out for a run in Friockheim, Angus, when a bird of prey grabbed him. At that moment, he felt as if he had been hit on the back of his head.

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