Conversation between an occupier and his mother during a drone attack near Kupyansk

30 May 2024

SBU officers intercepted a conversation between an occupier and his mother, which took place during a massive attack by Ukrainian drones near Kupyansk in the Kharkiv region.

As Censor.NET reports, the occupier says that he and his henchmen are forced to sit in holes almost around the clock to avoid complete destruction. However, this doesn’t help much either. His unit consisted of 126 fighters. Of these, 10 have already been eliminated, and about 70 have injuries of varying degrees of severity. The occupier hopes that in the near future he will get to the rear.

Also see: Two tanks, 6 armored vehicles and 80 occupiers were destroyed by soldiers of the 79th Airborne Assault Regiment during an assault attempt near Novomikhailovka. VIDEO

“Special Operations Center “A” of the SBU, together with the Ukrainian Defense Forces, are destroying the invaders who are trying to break through the front in the Kharkov region. An entire assault company of Russian troops near Kupyansk came under a massive attack from the Service’s FPV drones. In the audio interception, a Russianist whines that they don’t sleep and don’t drink , and all the bulletproof vests are in the hole, like a sieve,” says the commentary on the post.

Attention! Profanity!

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