A man made a homemade train out of his car: now the entire railway is at his service (2 photos + 1 video)

Category: Car news, PEGI 0+
24 May 2024

Matt Spears attached large wheels to the car to ride on railroad tracks, and also custom-fabricated some extended suspension and added auxiliary chassis.

Inventor Matt Spears has turned his electric three-wheeler into a homemade train using only cheap go-kart parts. The man showed the result of the transformation on his YouTube channel.

According to the blogger, the front of the vehicle is entirely made of foam, as safety was a priority during the design.

To be able to ride on railroad tracks, Matt attached large train-style wheels to the car, also custom-fabricated some extended suspension and added auxiliary chassis to the rear axle.

Spears took his absurd homemade invention for the first test drive on abandoned railroad tracks.

"Okay, now I'm pushing through the bump stop. Wow! I feel like we're going into the turn, and he's going straight and jumping. It's really scary," the author of the video comments.

Everything was fine until the experimental invention stopped, stuck on the tracks.

"I wonder what happened? Everything was going fine, and now we're stuck. We must have some damage," Matt muses on camera.

After some minor repairs, the second attempt was successful, and the blogger raced across the bridge over the terrible gorge.

Matt's subscribers were amazed by what they saw in the frame.

“Of course, we need more whistles, like trains”;

"You must make carriages for him immediately!";

"You're going to drive off the damn bridge into a ravine, that's illegal";

“I hope no one was hurt during the filming of this video”;

"Great job, cool."

His video collected more than 180 thousand views and many likes from viewers in a few days.

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