12 ridiculous monsters from horror movies (13 photos)

Category: Terrible, PEGI 0+
24 May 2024
Caution! The post contains shocking material. Make sure you really want to see it and you are over 18 years old.

You can see the most ridiculous monsters from horror films over the years below.

A well-designed and creepy monster is the key to the success of any horror film. After all, it is he who should frighten the audience and awaken in them the most unpleasant feelings of fear and anxiety. Sometimes even the plot does not give the film as much of a positive response from the audience as the terrifying creatures that have a memorable appearance and character. However, sometimes the sense of proportion and taste greatly fails directors and screenwriters, which is why something appears that causes a completely opposite reaction in the audience - it does not scare, but makes them laugh.

"It Conquered the World" (1956)

According to the plot, it was supposed to be a creepy alien monster. As a result, the creators were able to make only a giant vampire carrot on rollers, which moves absurdly, but is easily capable of destroying soldiers armed with machine guns.

"Leprechaun" (1993)

Many people who are fans of the Leprechaun franchise often state that the main character is more funny than a scary character for them. And his jokes? This is pure hilarious!

"Sleepwalkers" (1992)

A cat monster that can transform into a human and feeds on the energy of virgins? Why not? By the way, these are not the only strange advantages of the monster. It can not only camouflage itself, but also become invisible, and also change car brands only by an effort of its will.

"Creature from the Black Lagoon" (1954)

The strange amphibian humanoid is at home both on land and under water. If necessary, he can destroy a person with one blow of his webbed hand. However, the monster's appearance was clearly unsuccessful. By the way, it was this creation that Guillermo del Toro was inspired by when creating the film “The Shape of Water.”

"Swamp Thing" (1982)

Nothing ruins a superhero horror movie more than a bad costume.

"Zombie Beavers" (2014)

According to the plot, a barrel with a radioactive substance falls into the water, thanks to which innocent and sweet beavers turn into model zombie mutants. Isn't it cute?

"Amityville 4: Evil Escaping" (1989)

Evil spirits decide to get out of the cursed mansion and start doing evil outside of it. They choose a floor lamp as “transport”. Yes, yes, he becomes the main threat in history. Probably, this film was intended for those who have some personal scores to settle with the lamps.

"Hobgoblins" (1988)

Hobgoblins are strange creatures that resemble cats and bats. It is a well-known fact that the filmmakers really wanted to make monsters that would emulate the success of Gremlins, which was incredibly popular in the 80s.

"Sharktopus" (2010)

The US military is striving to create a unique, powerful and invincible weapon, so they cross a shark and... an octopus. A strange monster is unleashed and will probably make everyone in its path laugh to death.

"Snowman" (1997)

In the center of the plot is a snowman with maniacal tendencies, who cannot even be called scary. Particularly surprising are the moments when, during epic scenes, the foam rubber that makes up the killer snowman costume is visible.

"Alligator People" (1959)

The hero of the picture finds himself captive in a certain scientific laboratory. During a secret experiment, he is crossed with a crocodile, as a result of which a strange hybrid is born, which, as planned by the creators, was supposed to scare the audience trembling. However, it didn't work out very well. Gena, is that you?

"Little Shop of Horrors" (1986)

A cosmic flower that wants to destroy all of humanity and enslave the Earth. Is a seedling with teeth capable of scaring anyone?

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