Amazing and funny retro photos with animals (21 photos)

Category: Animals, PEGI 0+
24 May 2024

All photographs were taken in the twentieth century, were colored and partially restored.

Glass of stout for a donkey, London 1960s

The owner of the Mumby Arms in Stratford treats his pet donkey to a pint of beer.

Azerbaijan SSR. Pet lion "King" at the dinner table with the entire Berberov family, 1971

Lev King and the family of the architect Berberov were very popular in the 1970s; they wrote newspapers and made films. Almost the whole country and the world knew about their apartment menagerie. Their family was called a pride. But unfortunately, all this has a very tragic history, which is worth writing a separate article about.

Trainer Walter Zapashny and his wife Tatyana on a walk with the tiger Typhoon, 1964

Bear cubs near the helicopter. Kamchatka region, 1962

Whipsnade Zookeeper and tiger cubs, England, 1937

Penguins on a walk, 1950

The director of Edinburgh Zoo in Scotland took penguins out for a walk around the city once a week as a promotional event, 1950.

American soldier and his small pet kangaroo, Australia, 1942

Panda Ming photographs Bert Hardy's son. England, 1939

Photographer: Bert Hardy

Miners with their workhorse at the mine. France, 1970

Soviet polar explorer feeds a polar bear with condensed milk, 1950

A Japanese student reads a book in a park in 1960, surrounded by deer.

Filming the title screen for MGM, 1928

Surely in the cinema, before the start of the film, you have more than once seen a screensaver with a lion sitting on a pedestal and roaring menacingly. It's immediately clear that this film was made by Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, one of the oldest companies in Hollywood. And Leo the lion has been the mascot and symbol of the studio since 1917.

"Eyes to eyes". Mykonos, Greece, 1961

Photographer: James Burke

A woman sits with her pet cheetah over tea at the Bois de Boulogne cafe, Paris, 1932.

Penguin “giving” an interview to a Moscow correspondent, Antarctica, 1966

Prototype of a deer from the cartoon "Bambi", 1942

Disney studio artists draw a deer before starting work on the cartoon.

A Royal Navy sailor feeds a porcupine a nut. London Zoo, 1940

Zookeeper refreshes penguins in the heat

Copenhagen Zoo, 1955.

A Kenyan aristocrat poses with her fawn. Mombasa, 1909

Phoebe the hippopotamus and her calf are reluctant to pose for the camera at the Bronx Zoo, 1967

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