Wave of rocks: how a strange mountain appeared in Australia (4 photos)

Category: Nature, PEGI 0+
4 June 2024

Australia is famous for its waves. They usually form in ocean waters, and inventive surfers try to conquer the largest of them. However, there is a rather unusual wave in Australia, which consists of stone. True, there are no fewer people who want to conquer this “wave” than on local beaches.

Wave shaped rock

Wave Rock is a natural site located near the village of Hayden. It is a land of farming and home to less than 400 people, most of whom are engaged in wheat farming. However, this town is visited by many tourists, and only to see the amazing rock in the shape of a wave.

"Rock Wave" in Australia

As the name suggests, the hill resembles a huge ocean wave that has risen to its peak and is about to break. "The Wave" rises 15m high and extends approximately 100m long, occupying part of the northern slope of a granite hill called Hayden Rock. The stone not only curves at the top, but also curves smoothly downwards, creating a realistic image of a wave.

Unique rock

How the “wave” was formed

Aborigines believe that the rock was created by the Rainbow Serpent. According to legend, the Serpent decided to drink all the water on the planet, and in the process crawled right in these places. The rock is evidence that he crawled here. It is clear that the natives treat the place with special reverence, believing that it is endowed with the spirit of nature.

Scientists believe the rock is billions of years old

Scientists believe that this attraction began to form more than 2 billion years ago. Its formation was facilitated by strong winds and rains, which destroyed the rock. However, the reasons why the destruction occurred so symmetrically have not yet been determined. Some researchers believe that over the course of several million years, it was not the granite rock itself that was affected, but the top layer of the earth.

The resemblance to a real wave is also given by the fact that this rock can shimmer in the sun in different colors. Throughout the day, depending on the angle of refraction of light, the shades of the “wave” alternate from red to dark gray.

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