Did you think you were having a bad day?: 30 people whose day wasn’t going well (31 photos)

Category: Fun, PEGI 0+
26 March 2024

Failure at work happens to everyone, and it can certainly be overwhelming and even demoralizing. And a great way to get rid of this boredom is to speak out online. Or at least look at the failures of others to remind yourself that the Universe is not at all set against you personally.

1. “My colleagues decided to play a prank on me and wrapped everything in my office in foil. In the process, my 30-inch monitor accidentally turned on and cooked.”

2. "Sorry class, my dog ate your homework"

3. "If you're a parent and you let your kids make such a mess, you're a piece of sh*t."

4. "Pizzeria workers after their shift. All the food was taken away in 4 hours"

5. “I got fired for “telling the boss how to do his job” when all I did was say, “You can’t block the fire escape.”

6. In Mariupol, both teams of construction workers laid out a bicycle path on the right side

7. “The consequences of working in a laboratory at -10°C, where I have to wash my hands 40 times a day.”

8. “It was 2 hours into a 10-hour shift and a passenger asked if I knew there was a stowaway on my bus.”

9. "The new guy tried to drain the grease from the fryer into a plastic bucket."

10. "I work at a supermarket that has a bookstore. I found this yesterday and I'm pissed."

11. “Waited out the storm at work. This is the road I take to get home.”

12. “Today I was fired without notice, and when I came to work I found all my things in a box.”

13. Shattered

14. “At the end of the shift, we split the tips equally. We had over $50 left, but a co-worker left about 10 minutes early and took it all, leaving only $2.50.”

15. “You won unpaid time off!”

16. “The guy at work stole the oil.”

17. "Something went wrong with the markup drawing"

18. “I’m collecting carts at a hypermarket. Please stop being lazy and return the cart to its place.”

19. The paint truck appears to have reached 88 mph.

20. “Sergeant Vanderheiden got his suspenders caught in his chair, but his friends came to the rescue.”

21. “A colleague found a surprise at the bottom of his cup this morning.”

22. “A friend works at a local Target and they had family come in and leave this behind.”

23. “When you've been surrounded by people all day and you come home, take off your work pants and stare blankly at the 6-inch hole in your butt.”

24. "I'm the night watchman at school. This is what the first day of school looks like."

25. “Last night, someone tried to steal a car from the car dealership where I work.”

26. “I couldn’t get to work in the morning because the person who closed the doors didn’t notice that he had taken the lock home.”

27. “A colleague stepped in liquid cement.”

28. "First day on the job as a pool cleaner and some lady thought it would be a good idea to empty the chocolate fountain down the sink."

29. “Five minutes into my shift I was called into a public restroom and this is what I found.”

30. “I finished wrapping silverware after an eleven-hour shift, but the drawer I put it in broke and fell on the floor.”

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