During exercises of the Russian Baltic Fleet, a missile hit a Russian trawler Captain Lobanov

24 March 2024
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three dead

On March 19, the Russian trawler "Captain Lobanov" sank in the Baltic Sea. Relatives of the crew members told the media that the trawler was hit by a Russian missile fired during exercises of the Russian Baltic Fleet. As a result, three people died.

A relative of a crew member of the trawler "Captain Lobanov" confirmed to Dozhd that the ship was hit by a Russian Navy missile, Censor.NET reports.

As a result of a missile hitting the fishing trawler "Captain Lobanov" on March 19, three crew members were killed and four more were injured.

The missile that hit the trawler was fired during exercises of the Russian Baltic Fleet, a source told the publication. Before the incident, the trawler's crew members were about to go to bed when a rocket fell on the captain's cabin.

According to official reports from local authorities, there was a fire on board the trawler, and the cause of the incident is still unknown. In addition, Russian authorities report only one death.

“When they took the survivors, everyone knew perfectly well that three people had died. And everyone knew perfectly well that a rocket had hit. But they decided to write that there was a “fire.” I wonder what kind of fire it was, if there was no captain’s cabin, it was simply demolished,” - says the source of Rain.

The survivors were sent to a hospital in the city of Pionersk; one of the victims is in serious condition. According to the source, at the hospital the victims were interrogated by officers of the Russian FSB, who asked the crew members “not to talk about the incident.”

Another missile, according to the source, fell into fishing nets near the industrial vessel of the MRTK company, which was located not far from the trawler "Captain Lobanov".

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