From ugly ducklings to stunning beauties: 15 photos of people who shared their transformation (16 photos)

16 March 2024

Few of us were not self-conscious as teenagers, few were born with a great figure and appearance, but many worked on what bothered them in order to finally feel at the top of their attractiveness.

Social networks continue to remind us that anyone can turn from an ugly duckling into a stunning handsome guy, you just need time and desire! Users share photos of themselves from the past and present to give confidence to those still going through the transformation journey and, of course, to receive praise from others.

See what amazing changes can happen to people over time!

Photo from high school (18 years old) and now (21 years old)

Photo taken at 13 and 38 years old

Why did some children used to look so much older than their years?

From 14 to 30

I was always made fun of for my big nose and big lips, told that I was anorexic (I'm not), and that I had bug eyes. I never dated in school. I didn't have a boyfriend until college.

College Freshman - Now (27 years old)

Just a college guy VS the guy of your dreams.

10 years difference

I have never felt beautiful, not once in my entire life. The difference is that I accepted myself for who I am.

She looks like she stepped out of the movie Scott Pilgrim vs. the World!

My 19 and 36

How, it turns out, age adorns a man!

She found herself and her style!

I was raised by my father. You can see how I've learned to do hair and makeup over the years!

My wife at 10 years old and now

I think your wife might be a witch who figured out how to age backwards.

This is how girls grow up instantly

If you bullied her when she was 11, you probably regretted it when she turned 20.

At 25, I finally found myself!

The girl found the strength to lose excess weight and get a new haircut.

From nerd to giant

The old photos were taken when I was between 21 and 23 years old. Now I'm 38. I continue to grow.

Then and now

Incredible transformation: from 16 to 36

Who would think that she was once considered an ugly duckling?

It's hard to believe, but these are 12 and 25 years of one person

12?!?! Sorry to say this, but it looks like you're either a real-life case of Benjamin Button or a Time Lord.

It's just a matter of clothes, glasses and picture quality. I actually knew a girl in 7th grade who looked literally exactly like the first picture except for her clothing style.

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