Soldiers of the Russian Freedom Legion appealed to the Russians

14 March 2024
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“We will do everything to ensure that Putin moves from Novo-Ogarevo to Polar Wolf”

Soldiers of the Legion "Freedom of Russia" declared from the Russian-Ukrainian border that they were going to liberate Russia from Putin.

As Censor.NET reports, in their video message the fighters note that Putin’s usurpation of power led to sanctions, economic stagnation and a bloody war that claimed the lives and health of more than 400 thousand Russian men.

“We are Russians just like you. We also have the right to express our will. And our will is not to recognize the bloody dictator as the president of Russia. We will do everything so that he has time to move from Novo-Ogarevo to Polar Volk. We know how they treat to local residents. The Legion is going to the polls. Wait for us," a Legion representative said in the video.

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