A Russian prisoner spoke about plans to capture Odessa and meat assaults in Zaporozhye

Category: Prisoners, PEGI 18
5 March 2024
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A captured Ossetian, Corporal Albert Khadzhimurzaevich Kusov, gunner of the 382nd separate marine battalion of the Russian Black Sea Fleet, spoke about the Russian Federation’s preparations for a full-scale invasion of Ukraine. He says Russia planned to capture Odessa, in particular with the help of alloys on armored personnel carriers.

The prisoner also spoke about the meat assaults in the Rabotino area of the Zaporozhye region. He says that many Russians fell on the battlefield, Censor.NO informs.

"In this offensive, everyone died, all 200. Most 200, very few 300. And those who are 300 are heavy. Fuck, what can I say. Maybe they are getting rid of people, sending 10 people into a meat assault. This is stupid, this Even a non-military person understands that this is stupid,” says the prisoner.
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