25 examples of excessive packaging that raises many questions (26 photos)

Category: Fun, PEGI 0+
5 March 2024

More and more people are realizing that more packaging means more waste and harm to the environment. Many companies come to the idea of minimizing packaging. But some seem stuck in the past. To be convinced of this, just take a look at the online community Egregious Packaging (“Outrageous Packaging”).

1. “I ordered 5 bottles of nail polish from Amazon.”

2. “Amazon put air bags in my package with bubble wrap.”

3. “Irrational use of packaging should become a crime”

4. Citrus fruits do not have a protective skin, we need to help them.”

5. “Pure absurdity”

6. “I became concerned when I noticed that the package was damaged on the outside. It turned out that the problem was more serious."

7. “But why?”

8. “What’s the point of paper straws if they come in a plastic bag with little plastic bags inside for each different color?”

9. “Chopped lemon pieces, each individually wrapped.”

10. “There were two such sheets in a package of 10 tablets. What's the point? Are they doing social distancing?

11. “Some kind of chip that my colleague received”

12. “Excessive packaging of the laptop charging cord.”

13. “My chef saved $2.50 per 300 pieces if they came individually wrapped. So I spent the first hour of my shift unwrapping them."

14. “A 17-inch box for a 2-inch item, including an entire printed flyer stating that the item is “carefully packaged” to “reduce environmental impact.” Well, at least it’s not plastic.”

15. “More individual plastic packaging, without it it’s not enough eco-friendly”

16. “47,785 ml packaging for 5.4 ml of product. All these boxes were collected in one warehouse"

17. “This nail polish probably felt like it drove up to me in a Rolls Royce.”

18. “I ordered a wooden comb to avoid using plastic.”

19. “This litter scoop came to me like a king.”

20. “Eco-box wrapped in plastic”

21. “This is just funny”

22. “One medium sized dog food tray, huge box.”

23. “That case when there is both a lot and a little packaging at the same time”

24. “Why pack them in wrappers of 2 if they’re already wrapped?”

25. “All this to pack one handbag (cat for scale)”

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