The 51st prisoner exchange took place between Ukraine and Russia

Category: Other video, PEGI 0+
10 February 2024

49 soldiers of the National Guard, 25 border guards, 26 military personnel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine returned home, - Coordhead

The 51st prisoner exchange took place between Ukraine and Russia.

This was reported at the Coordination Headquarters for the Treatment of Prisoners of War, Censor.NET reports.

Among the rescued military personnel this time are 49 soldiers of the National Guard of Ukraine, 25 border guards, 26 military personnel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, including 11 military personnel.

“All those released were privates and sergeants. 84 rescued soldiers defended Mariupol (including 82 defenders of Azovstal), the rest carried out combat missions in the Donetsk and Lugansk directions. At least 28 released have injuries or serious illnesses. The oldest turned 62 years old, and the youngest is 20,” the message says.

It is noted that they managed to save a medic who, in extremely difficult conditions, saved the wounded at Azovstal, the brothers Nikolai and Roman.

According to the Headquarters, since the full-scale invasion, 3,135 Defenders and Defenders have already been released from Russian captivity.

The Headquarters also expressed gratitude to the United Arab Emirates for the assistance provided and assistance in organizing this exchange.

A video has been published online, which captures footage of the first phone calls home of Ukrainian soldiers released yesterday from captivity.

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