A plastic surgery clinic was fined for calling for an increase in the chance of “marrying a rich man” (3 photos)

28 January 2024

It's Sunday morning, which means it's time to talk about female beauty.

Remember the old meme about the girl who, with the help of plastic surgery, found herself a rich husband, and then she had ugly children? So, in China this is not the rarest situation, but all because girls strive at all costs to find a good match for themselves, and plastic surgeons tirelessly help them with this.

How can you attract more girls like this? By building a marketing campaign correctly. Do you want a rich husband? Give yourself a “luxurious” face. It's a good advertising slogan, isn't it? But the regulatory authorities in Shanghai did not agree with this.

Chinese plastic surgery clinic Gene Beauty Biogenetic Engineering Co Ltd has been fined for encouraging people to put on a “luxurious face” to find a rich husband. Since 2021, they have been promoting their "Beauty Reborn" plastic surgery procedure on social media. The procedure, which they claim includes patented technology, was marketed as a safe anti-aging treatment.

The clinic's advertisement encouraged women to get their faces redone for the sake of wealth. Its advertising slogans read:

“The face after the “Beauty Revival” (one of the procedures - Ed.) is combined with a Louis Vuitton bag, and to marry a rich person, you need a luxurious face.”

“If you marry, then marry a rich man. If you are beautiful, then extravagantly beautiful.”

It was precisely for such advertising that they received a fine of 30 thousand yuan for violating laws on advertising, public order and social ethics. It turned out that it is not very ethical to compare a woman’s face with a branded handbag and encourage Chinese women to marry for money.

Chinese users supported this measure, but called it insufficient. Indeed, recently many local bloggers have begun to promote the monetization of appearance, and regard marriage only as a way to increase social status.

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