The dog helped rescuers pull its owner out of the icy water

23 January 2024

Residents of a locality in the United States saw a man fall through the ice of a lake and called the rescue service. Rescuers who arrived at the scene noticed a dog not far from the fallen man and decided to involve it in rescuing its owner.

While walking on Lake Arbutus (Michigan, USA), this man fell through the ice, but quickly received help.

Eyewitnesses to the disaster called the rescue service, and the rescuers who arrived realized that they also had a four-legged assistant - the victim’s dog, whose name was Ruby. It was unsafe to get across the ice to the fallen man, and therefore the rescue disk was tied to Ruby’s collar - it was she who delivered the necessary disk to her owner, who grabbed hold of it and was carefully pulled out of the water.

The man, who had been in the lake for 16 minutes, was taken to hospital but was quickly released. So, for his salvation he can thank not only professionals, but also his beloved dog.

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