The little Briton fell asleep and lost the ability to move and speak (7 photos)

Category: Health, PEGI 16
12 January 2024

Jude Keil is an ordinary ten-year-old boy from Bobbing, Kent, UK. And also a medical phenomenon, since, as Metro reports, no one can explain what is happening to him.

At the end of 2022, the Keil family - Peter, Emma and their children Jude and Elodie were vacationing in Morocco. Parents noticed that their son, who loves swimming, ignores the pool and complains of shortness of breath.

Jude with his sister

Returning home, the couple showed the child to a specialist. Nothing serious was revealed even after an endoscopy. But the boy began to weaken. And when the parents noticed that Jude was supporting the other with one hand while performing normal actions, they rushed to another doctor in a panic.

This time, endoscopy recorded trembling of the epiglottis - a throat flap that prevents food from entering the trachea into the lungs. The boy was kept in the hospital overnight for observation.

The child lost consciousness and fell into a coma. In this state, little Jude did not even know that he had the first anniversary in his life - his 10th birthday. When Cale came out of his coma on February 13, 2023, he had virtually lost the ability to move and speak.

Despite the fact that almost a year has passed, the child’s speech and ability to move have not returned. This is largely due to prolonged periods of inactivity and physical activity. Glimpses of hope appeared when the boy began to subtly move two fingers of his hand.

Jude's test results were shared with doctors around the world, including in Spain, Germany and the United States. At the moment, the child is diagnosed with an unknown type of motor polyneuropathy. It is a general term used to describe diseases that affect the nervous system. Characterized by such features as:

twitching and muscle cramps;

muscle weakness or paralysis affecting one or more muscles, muscle thinning;

Difficulty lifting the forefoot and toes, especially noticeable when walking.

But doctors have no idea why it started.

Now the boy is confined to a specially designed wheelchair, cannot stand on his feet, move his arms or head, but his brain is not damaged. Despite his physical condition, Jude retains his mental abilities and was able to continue his studies with the help of a special tablet where he can use his eyes to scroll instead of his hands.

The child's father says the following about his son:

Outwardly he is different. But inside he's still the same funny, charming, cheeky 10-year-old boy who just wants to really run around the garden, play football, ride a bike and swim in the sea.

Peter and Emma have launched a fundraiser to help adapt their home to suit Jude's needs so he can continue to "love life" and "make sure he is living and not just existing."

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