Only 5 patients out of 100 manage to overcome the milestone in this terrible disease (3 photos)

Category: Health, PEGI 16
12 January 2024

A miracle that happened thanks to the patient’s enormous faith in a successful outcome and the coordinated actions of the doctors.

Glioblastoma is a malignant brain tumor that grows rapidly and invades healthy tissue. It is almost impossible to remove completely, no matter how small it is. In this case, doctors use the following treatment protocol: removing as much of the tumor as possible and conducting radiation therapy and chemotherapy.

In 2018, at the National Medical Research Center named after Academician E.N. Meshalkina Ekaterina underwent chemotherapy and radiation therapy. After 2/3 of the treatment had been completed, the patient developed a global problem - hematological toxicity. Hemoglobin and leukocyte counts dropped, and pneumonia occurred. Then the doctors began to do constant platelet transfusions. In the end, we managed to overcome this too.

In general, the mortality rate from tumors is very high. Only 5 out of 100 patients reach the age of five years. Ekaterina was one of them; she is in stable remission. Now she returns to the clinic only for follow-up MRIs. She lives life to the fullest, goes hiking, kayaking and feels absolutely healthy.

Her attending physician is confident that the woman will live a long, fulfilling life and there will be no relapse. “Oncological diagnoses, as a rule, are not removed. In any case, the patient will have it for the rest of her life, and she will have to undergo periodic examinations, but now we are recording the achievement of stable remission. This inspires not only everyone who is being treated, but also us - those who treat,” shared Elena Samoilova, head of the radiotherapy department at the Meshalkin Center.

Indeed, you should never give up, even if it seems that there is nothing ahead. And to the doctors - low bow.

Has it ever happened that doctors helped you cope with something very bad?

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